February 06, 2012

New Year, New VISA

Dear Family & Friends,

After three US Consulate appointments and five at Immigration, we now have new visas for a year! It was interesting & bit confusing, but PRAISE God we’re done. PRAY for other missionaries around the world who have these challenges yearly!

Our Chiang Mai Community Church meets in the Campus Crusade building, who recently hosted 60 Korean visitors for a Korean evangelism night. Far beyond expectation, 400 university students from many campuses attended. And 87 people accepted Jesus! Please PRAY for them and for discipleship.

God has done great things. PRAY for two young ladies Sawitree and Ga, recent Thai college graduates who helped. They feel led to serve people in China, preparing to leave in March and are so excited. 

PRAY too for Grace International School (GIS) families doing Bible translation and church planting here. We know God will continue great things through them. Can you read these sentences?


SPANISH?: Las Escrituras existen en casi 2700 de los 6837 idiomas que actualmente se sabe

Can you understand the same words in your Mother Tongue/your Heart Language?:

“Scripture exists in almost 2700 of 6837 known languages in use. At least 4.8 billion people have 471 mother-tongue Bibles.” Another 595 million people have New Testaments in 1223 heart languages. Scripture “portions” are in 1002 tongues. But about 350 million speakers of 2040 languages have nothing! People know God deeply with Bibles they understand! PRAY for people working here.

Recent NEWS: 100 organizations from 60 nations formed “Wycliffe Global Alliance.? Assisting “Faith Comes by Hearing,” Wycliffe helped complete 247 “audio” New Testaments. Our partner “JAARS” dubbed the “JESUS” film into 145 languages, the Luke video in 248 languages and a Genesis video into 86 languages. Other teams produced 1100 more “JESUS” films and printed thousands of literacy resources.

Since 1999 more than 250 New Testaments were published. Plus, translation began in about 700 more languages. By Sept. 2011, alliance partners were involved in 1476 projects, and non-alliance teams are working on 500 more languages. That’s LOTS of numbers! PRAY for these. Pray for teachers for their children’s education. PRAY for Gary as he helps administrate our school. PRAY for Penny as she helps write & edit project updates. PRAISE God we can support linguist’s families by serving students.

How many Bibles are in our homes? For 350 million people — speaking 2040 languages — there is NONE of God’s Word to guide them.                                                          Please “Pray or Give or Go!”

In Grace, at Grace!  Gary & Penny Lent

Mail (2 stamps/2 weeks): c/o Grace International School, P.O. Box 32, Nong Khwai, Hang Dong, Chiang Mai 50230 Thailand