February 10, 2010

Officially THAI drivers!

      After three weeks on the road we decided to get Thai licenses.  On Jan. 28 we spent four hours getting "residency" paperwork, health checks, color-blindness & reflex exams.  Then we paid our 805 bahts ($24.15) at various counters and got the most beautiful, reflective, holographic license you ever saw.
      And though we could have used our international (beige paper) licenses the entire time, the official Thai ones are much more gorgeous!  So we continue to sit behind a "right-hand" steering wheel and drive on the LEFT, with scooters zipping in ALL directions.

      And we seldom turn right into on-coming traffic anymore! Plus, we're told we get discounts at the zoo and many other places! It's so nice to be officially Thai drivers (though Penny still gets lost)!